Based on the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR/EU-Datenschutzreform ,DSGVO) that is to be said to provide security of naturals persons regarding the processing of their personal data, I'm forced to deliver the following informations about the gathering and usage of personal data on this website. Data on the transfer path (internet) is not subject of this declaration.
1) This website uses a cookie, a so-called session cookie. This is solely for administrative purpose and does not contain any personal data. The cookie also contains a language tag in order to provide you with your language. The cookie is automatically deleted when leaving the website. You may also block the storage of cookies in your browser.
2) The following data is collected by this website
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The owner of this website explicitly declares that the personal data collectet during your visit are neither used nor referred to others. They are solely stored to be of help in case of a criminal attack on this Website. This website is not connected to social media platforms and does not provide a function for comments or articles that could transfer personal data.
When you use the contact form in order to communicate with the website owner, the input data are saved to allow answering. You explicitly state your agreement to this by clicking the 'Send Email' button. The informations are not transferred to third parties, unless you gave your permission.
Responsible for the content of this Website:
Wieland Schreiber
Veit-Stoss-Strasse 84
D-80687 Muenchen
Tel: *49-89-54642323
(as responsible according to the law §6 Teledienstgesetz attempting to avoid unfriendly mail by overambitious lawyers)